Talking Timestat
This extremely versatile device has a host of features, including 2 or 7 independent timers adjustable individually for every day of the week, a thermostat and a frostat. Any of these can be used seperately or together to control a mains operated appliance up to a maximum rating f 2KW. i.e electric heaters, tape recorders, radios, lights, electric blankets etc etc. The Timestat is very simple to set and use and has a very clear male voice with volume control. When plugged into a standard wall socket it charges its built in battery and will remember its settings for several months when disconnected. The Timestat also functions as a talking clock and thermometer.
Size 110mm 4.34" (W) x 195mm 7.70" (L) x 55.73mm 2.19" (D).
Size 110mm 4.34" (W) x 195mm 7.70" (L) x 55.73mm 2.19" (D).