
Talking Big Button Mobile Phone

This phone has a high contrast keypad with white text on a dark grey background. Each number button will announce the number when pressed. The 50mm - 2" LCD screen is backlit in blue with white text. The phone book stores up to 250 names and numbers, 12 of which can be stored as speed dial numbers. The phone has a loud-speaker, is hearing aid compatible and features a camera. Other features include text messaging, SOS call button, built-in torch, vibration and mute functions. It also has polyphonic ring tones and alarm functions. The mobile phone also features an FM radio and is 4G compatible. Supplied with charger, SIM card (if required) and carry case.
Size: 56mm - 2.2" (W) x 121mm - 4.8" (L) x 5mm - 0.2" (D).

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a fully talking phone, it announces the numbers as you dial them with the keypad.
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