Tvrtka Cobolt Systems Ltd održala je u ponedjeljak 27.08.2018. prezentaciju pomagala u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje "Vinko Bek" u Zagrebu. Centar "Vinko Bek" je ustanova za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju slijepe i slabovidne djece, mladeži i odraslih, a ujedno je i resursni centar za provedbu rehabilitacijskih programa za osobe s oštecenjem vida u cijeloj Hrvatskoj. Na prezentaciji su bila izložena pomagala iz svih skupina; od igara za najmlade, povecala i kalkulatora za pomoc u nastavi, satova, pa sve do pomagala za svakodnevni život ukljucujuci i govornu indukcijsku plocu te govornu kombiniranu pecnicu. Na prezentaciji su, uz ravnateljicu Centra gospodu Ivanu Rotim, bili nazocni i slijepi zaposlenici i korisnici programa te voditelji odjela, defektolozi, nastavnici i socijalni radnici koji u neposrednom radu s korisnicima najbolje prepoznaju njihove potrebe te mogu odrediti korist pojedinog pomagala za svakog polaznika koji je u programu Centra.
Cobolt Systems Ltd held on Monday 27.08.2018. presentation of aids at the "Vinko Bek" Education and upbringing Center in Zagreb. Center "Vinko Bek" is the institution for upbringing, education and rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired children, youth and adults, and is also a resource center for the implementation of rehabilitation programs for visually impaired persons throughout Croatia. Aids from all groups were exhibited at the presentation; from the games for the youngest, to the addition of a magnifiers and calculators as a help in class lessons, watches and aids for everyday living, including a talking induction hob and a talking combination oven. The presentation was attended by Mrs. Ivana Rotim Principal of the Center, both blind employees and users in the program, and departmental managers, defectologists, teachers and social workers who work with the users, best recognize users needs and could determine the benefits of the individual aids for each participant in the Center program.