U subotu 08.09.2018. tvrtka Cobolt Systems Ltd održala je prezentaciju pomagala u Udruzi slijepih Pakrac – Lipik, koja je bila domacin ovogodišnjeg, vec tradicionalnog okupljanja slijepih žena Slavonije i Baranje. Druženju su osim iz Pakraca i Lipika prisustvovale i gošce iz Požege, Slavonskog Broda, Virovitice, Vukovara i Vinkovaca. Nakon šetnje gradom i posjete muzeju grada Pakraca, izlaganja predstavnica Centra za podršku i razvoj civilnog društva Delfin Pakrac, uslijedilo je kratko predstavljanje tvrtke Cobolt Systems te demonstracija samih pomagala gdje su sudionice mogle osobno isprobati ucinkovitost svakog izloženog pomagala i pronaci ono najbolje za sebe. Posebnu pozornost izazvao ja naš najnoviji proizvod, a to je govorna indukcijska ploca za kuhanje. Jednostavnost i brzina kuhanja, sigurnost, laka prenosivost ploce i naravno govor, koji prati sve naredbe zadane pomocu taktilnih tipaka samo su neke od znacajki ovog posebnog i nadasve korisnog proizvoda. Osim indukcijske ploce poseban interes izazvala su i naša razna povecala, kako elektronicka tako i ona rucna i stolna ciji su raspon i mogucnosti korištenja široke, a mnoga od njih imaju i dodatne znacajke. To je naravno samo mali dio onoga što smo izložili, a neka pomagala, prema rijecima sudionika druženja, mnogi su vidjeli i po prvi puta. To nam cini veliko zadovoljstvo i daje poticaj za daljnja slicna izlaganja naših proizvoda.
Nakon cjelodnevnog programa u odlicnoj organizaciji domacina; predsjednika Udruge gospodina Stanka Kovacica te gospo?e Mirsade Ma?arevic – videce pratiteljice, druženje je nastavljeno u planinarskom domu "Omanovac" gdje su se nakon rucka i druženja sudionici pozdravili do nekog iduceg susreta.
On Saturday 08.09.2018. Cobolt Systems Ltd held the presentation of aids in the Association of Blind Pakrac – Lipik, which hosted this year's traditional gathering of blind women of Slavonia and Baranja. Except for Pakrac and Lipik, there were also other guests from Požega, Slavonski Brod, Virovitica, Vukovar and Vinkovci. After walking around the city and visiting the Pakrac town museum, presentation of the Center for Support and Development of Civil Society Delfin – Pakrac followed by a brief introduction of Cobolt Systems and demonstrations of the aids themselves where the participants could personally test the effectiveness of each exposed aid and find the best for themselves. Special attention was given to our latest product, a talking induction hob. Ease and speed of cooking, security, easy portability of the board and of course the speech that accompanies all the commands set by tactile keys are just some of the features of this special and all round useful product. In addition to the induction hob, special interest was paid to our various magnifiers, both electronic and handheld, and many of them have additional features. That, of course, was only a small part of what we exhibited, and some of the aids, according to the participants of the gathering, many have seen for the first time. This makes it a great pleasure and gives us the incentive for more, similar exhibitions of our products. After a full day program by a well hosted organization; Mr. Stanko Kovacic's, the President, and Mrs. Mirsada Ma?arevic's – a seeing companion, the participants continued to socialize in the "Omanovac" mountain hut where after the lunch, participants said goodbye till the next gathering.
On Saturday 08.09.2018. Cobolt Systems Ltd held the presentation of aids in the Association of Blind Pakrac – Lipik, which hosted this year's traditional gathering of blind women of Slavonia and Baranja. Except for Pakrac and Lipik, there were also other guests from Požega, Slavonski Brod, Virovitica, Vukovar and Vinkovci. After walking around the city and visiting the Pakrac town museum, presentation of the Center for Support and Development of Civil Society Delfin – Pakrac followed by a brief introduction of Cobolt Systems and demonstrations of the aids themselves where the participants could personally test the effectiveness of each exposed aid and find the best for themselves. Special attention was given to our latest product, a talking induction hob. Ease and speed of cooking, security, easy portability of the board and of course the speech that accompanies all the commands set by tactile keys are just some of the features of this special and all round useful product. In addition to the induction hob, special interest was paid to our various magnifiers, both electronic and handheld, and many of them have additional features. That, of course, was only a small part of what we exhibited, and some of the aids, according to the participants of the gathering, many have seen for the first time. This makes it a great pleasure and gives us the incentive for more, similar exhibitions of our products. After a full day program by a well hosted organization; Mr. Stanko Kovacic's, the President, and Mrs. Mirsada Ma?arevic's – a seeing companion, the participants continued to socialize in the "Omanovac" mountain hut where after the lunch, participants said goodbye till the next gathering.