Talking Inside/Outside Thermometer Single Screen Your thermometer has a large rectangular recess in the top half of the front face which contains one digital display. In the top left corner is a small recess housing the indoor temperature sensor. The outdoor sensor is mounted in the tip of the length of cable attached to the left side of the case. Below the display there 3 rows of buttons a follows:- Top row centre button - Inside or outside display. The user can change the display to show inside temperature or outside temperature. Middle row left button - UP. This is used to adjust settings. Middle row centre button - Mode. This is used to change the minimum and maximum alarm temperatures. Middle row right button - Down. This is used to adjust settings Bottom row centre button - Talking. This is used for the announcement of indoor and outdoor temperature. Below the talking button you will find a grill, this is just a cover for the speaker. On rear of the unit towards the top in the middle there is a small recessed rectangle shaped box with 3 buttons and 1 recessed hole. These buttons control the following functions:- Top left (Recessed hole) - Master reset. Insert a small Pin into the hole and push gently, this will reset the unit back to factory settings. Top right - Switch to change unit from °C (Degrees Celsius) - °F (Degrees Fahrenheit). Bottom left - Alarm on/off. Push this button in and alarm on or alarm off will be announced. Bottom right - Volume control. Push the button and the beeping will get quieter until no sound is made. Continue to push the volume button and sound will get louder again. This unit can be wall mounted if required. In order to use the outside temperature facility the external sensor needs to be passed through a window or mounted outside. On the back of the unit there is a tab that can be used as stand. On the bottom of the back there are 2 semi circles with raised lines inside. Pull this tab towards the bottom of the unit and then lift toward the user, when a click is heard the stand is ready to be used. Mode Setting The thermometer has 4 modes, selected by pressing the MODE button. Mode 1 indoor high temperature alarm. Mode 2 indoor low temperature alarm. Mode 3 outdoor high temperature alarm. Mode 4 outdoor low temperature alarm. Each mode is announced with a press of the mode button. i.e. a single press of the mode button and Indoor High temperature alarm set 38 degrees Celsius is spoken, the user can set the alarm temperature to there own choice within the range of –50°C to + 70°C ( -58°F to + 158°F) using the up and down buttons found on the middle row. Once the user has changed the high and low temperature alarms to there new settings, continue to press the mode button until beep beep beep is heard. The new settings will now be stored. Batteries 2 x AAA batteries are fitted in the compartment on the back in the centre. Slide the cover from left to right to open. Modified 18/03/2020