FOUR IN A ROW INSTRUCTIONS This is a game for two players. The object of the game is to a achieve a line of four counters in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Preparation: Assemble the frame and base by clicking the frame into the central ridges of the base and place the game between the two players. The counters are then separated into the two colour groups (red and yellow) and each player is given a set of counters. The red counters have holes in them, enabling players to differentiate between the colours. These can then be placed into the base on each player’s side of the frame. Decide which player is to start. If playing more than one game players should start alternately. The difference between the two player’s counters is felt by a hole in the centre of one set of counters, this is how you can tell if the counter is yours or your opponents. How to play: Each player on their turn places one of their counters in any one of the seven columns in the frame. Play then passes to the other player, who also places one of their counters in one of the columns in the frame. Play continues until either one achieves a row of four of their colour counters, in which case they are the winner, or until no row of 4 is possible. To re-start the game lift the frame out of the base to release all the used counters.